01. About Us

As we integrate health, wellness, and a commitment to longevity with wealth management, we are revolutionizing the way people think about financial security. While pioneering this methodology, we continue to offer our traditional asset management services, a cornerstone of our practice for over two decades.

02. Our Process

Our holistic approach revolves around the belief that you warrant a personalized financial planning strategy as unique as your DNA. Rooted in decades of experience, thorough research, and an innovative patent-pending methodology to provide custom solutions.

03. Our Philosophy

As a firm, our focus is to understand your goals and develop a plan to reach them. We will meet with you to present an analysis and discuss our recommendations.

"Having faced a medical crisis with my own young daughter, I'm dedicated to helping families’ protect their health and wealth for generations to come."

-Salvatore Picciallo, Founder of MetaParadigm Wealth Management

Our Services


Biotech Investing

Protect your family’s future for generations to come by investing in biotech funds and companies addressing familial health conditions and research.

Financial Planning Tailored to Your Health Profile

Harness the power of personalized insights from DNA analysis & consultation with a genetics counselor to shape your financial strategies.

Start your journey with a free Portfolio Risk Analysis

Determining your Risk Number is important for making sure we help you invest according to your financial objectives and risk capacity.

This 5 minute quiz covers everything from portfolio size, your financial goals, to what you’re willing to risk for potential gains. Your unique Risk Number helps guide our decision making process when it comes to your investments.

Free Risk Analysis

For illustrative purposes only. The tool is not meant to be a substitute for the services of a professional financial advisor.  The Risk Number that is calculated by Nitrogen-Riskalyze is intended to initiate a risk/reward discussion with your financial advisor.    Any information, data or analysis derived from Nitrogen-Riskalyze does not constitute investment advice, or an offer to buy or sell a security.  As with any such tool, the results are hypothetical and based on the assumptions of the software designer(s). 


My Daily Battle with My Daughter’s Health, and Why I Invest in Life

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